
Death Battle! Loki vs Chase Young Prelude Part 1

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Chan- Mortals, beings who are for the most part powerless

Lee- But some have god like powers

Chan- Like Loki the God of Mischief

Lee- and Chase Young the Heylin Warrior

Chan- He's Lee and I'm Chan and it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor and skills to find out who would win a Death Battle!


Chan- Loki is the birth son of the Frost Giant Laufey, the former King of the Ice realm. Odin declared war and killed Laufey, when he saw Loki as a baby, He adopted him - This was to follow a prophecy done by his father Bor.

Lee- But as he got older we was a mischievous little brat and daddy gave Thor more attention


Height 6'4"
Weight - 525 lbs

Chan- He began studying Asgardian magic and science, both of which he would become very proficient in, eventually becoming one of the strongest sorcerers in the Asgard

Superhuman Strength
Superhumanly Dense Tissue
Superhuman Durability
Regenerative Healing Factor
Superhuman Stamina
Superhuman Longevity
Skilled Combatant

Lee- Loki can lift over 50 tons, He is able to withstand high caliber bullets, falls from great heights, powerful impact forces, exposure to temperature extremes and powerful energy blasts without being injured. He has proved in past to be durable enough to withstand energy blast's from Mandarin's Rings and several blows from Spider-Man without so much as a blink.

Chan-  Like all Asgardians, Loki, although he is inhumanly durable, at least by human standards, can still obtain injury, also like all Asgardians, his metabolism enables him to rapidly regenerate damaged tissue much faster and more extensively than a human being. However, through the use of his sorcery, Loki's ability to heal himself is far above that of other Asgardians. His magical energies are so imbued into his body that he can reattach severed limbs and, while still a male, even reattached his own head at least once.

Lee- Being a telekinetic, Loki can influence the movement of objects and people with his mind, and as such, this power proves to be devastating and chaotic in nature. His known abilities include the ability to fire powerful beams of concussive force, generate highly durable force fields, bestow superhuman attributes to living beings or inanimate objects, or teleport himself or others across dimensions. He can also bring inanimate objects to life, or mystically imbue objects or beings with specific but temporary powers.

Chan- he can turn himself and other external objects into different things,  He is also extremely cunning and skilled, an expert battle strategist, and highly skilled and charismatic manipulator, which is evident by the ease how Loki repeatedly succeeded to regain the trust of his fellow Asgardians, despite his numerous crimes.

Lee- He's also in possession of the Seven-League Boots which are a pair of magical boots which allow its wearer to walk in impossible surfaces such as rainbows or waterfalls, and walk vertically.


Magic limitations
Superiority inferiority complex

Chan- However Loki's powers are believed to at least be slightly weaker on Midgard than on Asgard, as his birth was not of Gaea, and even Odin's magic was on the wane on Earth. Also, while apparently possessing some extrasensory abilities that resemble psionic powers, Loki can not directly read the minds of other beings, nor can he control their actions.

Lee- Loki's ambition has proven to be his greatest flaw, as his passionate hatred of Thor, lust for power, and his tendency to alienate himself through his ignoble actions greatly impedes his ability to bring his well laid plans to fruition. Also, as noticed by Apocalypse, Loki has poor understanding of human nature, which leads him to severely underestimate his mortals (earthly) opponent's, resulting into humiliating defeat.

Chan- But aside from that Loki is one of the most powerful sorcerers in the Marvel Universe
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FernandesDamasceno's avatar
You copied that from Marvel Database page on Loki.